Report of


Harvest 2022-2023

We are

BP Bunge Bioenergy

We are BP Bunge Bioenergia, one of the Brazilian leaders in the ethanol, bioelectricity and sugar markets. We emerged in 2019, from the union of bp and Bunge businesses in the country, with the purpose of generating sustainable energy to improve life in its broadest aspects.

We operate throughout the sugarcane production process, from cultivation to the sale of biofuel, bioelectricity and sugar, always investing in practices, resources and processes that allow us to increase the sustainability of our operations. Our focus on sustainable actions has contributed to strengthening the business and our position in the market. We are a reference in regenerative agriculture due to the sustainable field management solutions we develop, contributing to improving soil health and increasing biodiversity.

Our Purpose

Produce sustainable energy that

improves life.

Our vision

To be the global reference in sustainable energy.

Our mission

We cultivate sustainable energy that moves the world.


    We take care of each other (employees, suppliers, partners and communities); We do not put results before safety; We know and manage our risks; Our goal is for everyone to return to their families safely.


    Integrity is the foundation of everything we do; We comply with the law, we are ethical and fair; We do what is right.


    We respect the world in which we operate (people, opinions, diversity, communities, the environment and the audiences with which we interact); We are open to differences of opinion.

Unique Time

    We collaborate with each other; We celebrate our achievements and learn together; We believe that everyone's success is more relevant than individual success.


    We tirelessly seek to be the best at what we do; We encourage innovation, entrepreneurship and continuous improvement; We continually develop our professionals and encourage their growth.

Message from Leaders

We are proud to share the results of BP Bunge Bioenergia's 2022/2023 harvest, a period that marked the company's third year of activity and the consolidation of a unique successful trajectory, in which positive indicators and good operational practices stand out, mainly focused on in productivity, safety and sustainability. This has led us to occupy a reference position among the main companies in the bioenergy sector in Brazil.


In our journey of continuous growth, we recognize the dedication of our team, which contributes to driving the company towards the exercise of its values and contributes to the implementation of business development strategies. People are our greatest asset and come first, so much so that, in our Board of Directors meetings, we dedicate a quarter of the time exclusively to topics related to the more than 13,000 direct and indirect employees who make up this large team.

All of this makes BP Bunge Bioenergia a strategic agent in Brazil's energy transition scenario. A company capable of collaborating with the challenges of the country and the market, without losing sight of the preservation of the planet and the appreciation of human beings. I reiterate my thanks to each member of our team for their dedication and professionalism throughout another harvest. And I invite you to continue together with the aim of continuing to strengthen this successful trajectory.

Mario Lindenhayn

Executive President and

Board of Directors

At a global level, BP Bunge Bioenergia has employed agricultural practices and field management solutions that increase productivity and minimize negative impacts on the environment. In operational terms, supported by the commitment of our team and our strategic planning, in the last harvest we produced 1.3 million tons of sugar, 1.2 billion liters of ethanol, 1,000 GWh of energy, and achieved an increase of 7% in sugarcane crushing compared to the previous harvest.


We have the privilege of running a low-carbon business, where circularity is present throughout the chain. Sugarcane, the basis of our production, is a renewable crop and absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Ethanol, famously, emits fewer pollutants than fossil fuels, while by-products from our industry, such as bagasse, are used to generate clean energy, and filter cake and vinasse are reapplied in the field. Our commitment is to further improve this virtuous cycle of sugar cane, integrating more technology and sustainability into it.

Our commitment to sustainable growth also involves the development of the regions in which we operate, with a positive impact on different aspects: economic, social, environmental, among others. We have a relevant role in more than 40 communities in the center-south regions of the country, where we are recognized as one of the main job generators, in addition to being a serious, reliable and strategic commercial partner.

We are convinced that our vision of sustainable development is aligned with the country's interests. We work in close collaboration with governments, academic institutions and other sectors of society to promote public policies favorable to the sugar-energy sector, encourage technological innovation and contribute to the construction of a low-carbon economy.

Brazil can lead green and regenerative agriculture, and we are part of this long-term commitment.

Geovane Consul


We are

BP Bunge Bioenergy

As one of the largest Brazilian bioenergy companies, we have the privilege and responsibility of collaborating with the country's challenges in the energy transition scenario, and we fulfill this role by always maintaining our commitment to sustainability, since this issue is closely linked to nature of our business. In our activities, we explore 100% of the circularity potential of sugarcane, contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions, energy security and economic and social development in the regions where we are present.

Our priority topics were defined in a process conducted by an internal group (composed of members from different areas of the company), with the support of external consultancy, between 2020 and 2021. In this process, we considered the company's level of maturity, consulted references from various segments and carried out a multi-stakeholder consultation, involving around 90 participants, including employees, suppliers, business partners, the financial sector, associations, academia, among others, to ensure that sustainability is present, intrinsically, in all our activities and initiatives. We understand that the strategic sustainability agenda must be integrated into the business, have a long-term vision and include our multi-stakeholder vision, integrating ESG criteria, aligned with our Principles, Mission, Vision and Values.

As one of the largest bioenergy companies in Brazil, we have the privilege and responsibility of collaborating with the country's challenges in the energy transition scenario, and we fulfill this role by always maintaining our commitment to sustainability, since this issue is closely linked to nature of our business. In our activities, we explore 100% of the circularity potential of sugarcane, contributing to the reduction of carbon emissions, energy security and economic and social development in the regions where we are present. Our priority topics were defined in a process conducted by an internal group (composed of members from different areas of the company), with the support of external consultancy, between 2020 and 2021. In this process, we considered the company's level of maturity, consulted references from different segments and carried out a multi-stakeholder consultation, involving around 90 participants, including employees, suppliers, business partners, the financial sector, associations, academia, among others, to ensure that sustainability is present, intrinsically, in all our activities and initiatives. We understand that the strategic sustainability agenda must be integrated into the business, have a long-term vision and include our multi-stakeholder vision, integrating ESG criteria, aligned with our Principles, Mission, Vision and Values.

ESG Journey at

BP Bunge


Health and safety

from work

Development of local communities

Relationship with raw material suppliers




Climate changes

Circular economy and waste management

Biodiversity management

Energy resource management

Water resources management


Economic performance

Agricultural/industrial operational excellence

Governance and compliance



25.3 million tons

+ 7.7% versus last harvest

1.3MM tons

of sugar

industrial uptime


Ethanol Production:

1.2 liters

Total gross profit

was 1.7 billion

EBITDA was 3.9 billion, an increase of 26% in 3 years

Net revenue from

R$7.9 billion. 30% growth in 3 years

1 mil GWh

of cogenerated energy


+70% of vacancies filled by internal recruitment

Almost 20% women in leadership

8.5 thousand Employees

291, 169 - Hours

training, including: leadership training, coaching, mentoring and 180º and 360º assessments

3rd place

Valor Career Award 2022

Human capital

Destination of

99.9% of


Green Energy Seal


8.5 thousand Employees

Planting more than

600 thousand seedlings

of native species in 3 years

8% left

in the volume of water captured in industry


* includes residues from industrial processes (cake, soot and bagasse).

R$ 2.4 million

destined for socio-environmental projects for 2022 and 2023

100% of suppliers contracted according to social criteria

Approximately 24 thousand people benefited from social projects in 5 Brazilian states

Corporate volunteering in the 11 units with more than 80 participating employees


Zero non-conformities in external audits

100% of employees and management trained in ethics and compliance

Adherence to

Ethos Integrity


Our business

in Numbers

Incorporated as a privately held corporation, the company has its administrative headquarters in the capital of São Paulo and has 11 agro-industrial units located in five Brazilian states (Goiás, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Tocantins and Mato Grosso do Sul). These units have a practical impact on 40 direct municipalities and 70 communities.

In total, more than 13 thousand jobs are created across the country, of which 8,500 are direct employees and 4,500 are outsourced.

Capacity per harvest





32.4 million

of tons

1.7 billion

of liters

1.7 million tons

1.4 million GWh/year

for sale

second largest grinding capacity in the sector

supply capacity for 35 million light vehicles, equivalent to 57% of the Brazilian fleet in this category

Products and markets

From sugar cane, a completely renewable energy source, we produce:

Crystal sugar for industrial use and VHP (Very High Polarization) export type, used as raw material for refining and in the food and beverage industries.

Ethanol produced from sugar cane has, on average, 90% less GHG, compared to gasoline (source: UNICA).

The generation of renewable electrical energy from sugarcane bagasse meets the energy needs of all our units and the surplus is sold to the Brazilian electricity grid.

Circularity and Value Generation

BP Bunge's value chain involves the entire production cycle, from the cultivation and harvesting of sugar cane to the commercialization of bioproducts. Our production process is integrated and flexible, and can be directed, as necessary, to different possibilities for mixing ethanol and sugar. We follow international standards of quality, food safety and sustainability, proven by the certifications of our units. BP Bunge's value chain involves the entire production cycle, from the cultivation and harvesting of sugar cane to the commercialization of bioproducts. Our production process is integrated and flexible, and can be directed, as necessary, to different possibilities for mixing ethanol and sugar. We follow international standards of quality, food safety and sustainability, proven by the certifications of our units.

The circularity of sugarcane is extremely important for the bioenergy market, as it represents a sustainable and efficient approach to the full use of raw materials. By-products from sugar and ethanol production, such as bagasse, filter cake and vinasse , are reused as biomass in energy cogeneration or in fertigation and fertilization processes, reducing dependence on non-renewable sources and chemical fertilizers. This approach not only reinforces the industry's competitiveness, but also strengthens its position as an environmentally responsible solution in the global energy transition.

Certifications and


Download our sustainability report

To access more information and data about our 2022-2023 harvest, download the full sustainability report

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